Saturday, August 28, 2010


I have been wanting to find this park, it seems like a really neat park. We went last weekend and found a nice park, but still not the Walderlebnispfad. So, we tried again, and we tried at the top of the hill instead. We looked and looked, but still didn't see it. So we stopped at a park when frustrated, and then we saw a trail. We walked it, and saw some neat things. We walked it all the way until we found the beginning of the trail we were looking for. Hee hee!!

Walderlebnispfad Neroberg

Neroberg Forest Adventure Trail

from Leisure Guide for Families

Der Walderlebnispfad auf Wiesbadens Hausberg, dem Neroberg,

bietet seinen großen und kleinen Besuchern die Möglichkeit,

den Lebensraum „Wald" mit all seinen Facetten kennen zu

lernen. Zahlreiche, liebevoll gestaltete Informationstafeln und

bewegliche Objekte geben Auskunft zur Tier- und Pflanzenwelt

des Wiesbadener Stadtwaldes. Bei den Besuchern hoch im Kurs

ist hier vor allem das Telefonieren mit dem „Mardertelefon"

und die Möglichkeit ein Zimmer im „Spechthotel" zu buchen.

Es werden zwei Routen angeboten, ein großer Rundgang mit

ca. 3,3 km (17 Stationen) und ein kleiner mit 2,3 km Länge und

12 Stationen.

The Nature Trail on Wiesbaden's backyard hill, the Neroberg,

offers both younger and older visitors the opportunity to

become familiar with the life of the forest and all its facets.

There are many, lovingly designed information panels and

mobile objects providing information about the flora and fauna

of the Wiesbaden city forest. What visitors really enjoy is making

phone calls with the "marten telephone" and the opportunity to

book a room at the "woodpecker hotel". Two paths are available,

a longer tour of roughly 3.3 km (17 stations) and a shorter tour of 2.3 km and 12 stations.

We will have to go back to walk the whole trail, but at least we know where it is now. The pictures are in More pictures from Mark's camera later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks really nice. And I am waaay jealous that you got to wear jeans and hoodies. I can't wait for cooler temps here in indy!
Love you all!